Warsztaty z prof. Rogerem Bivandem
Kontynuując współpracę Instytutu z prof. Rogerem Bivandem w roku akademickim 2017/2018 pracownicy i studenci będę mieli możliwość wzięcia udziału w warsztatach z zakresu analizy społeczno-ekonomicznych danych geograficznych z wykorzystaniem R. Pierwszy warsztat, przeznaczony dla osób początkujących, odbędzie się w terminie 26.02 – 02.03.2018r. Szczegóły dostępne są na podstronie Profesora.
Zapisy prowadzi Sekretariat Instytutu. Liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Decyduje kolejność zgłoszeń.
Roger Bivand has been a professor since 1996, after joining the Norwegian School of Economics in 1988 from previous academic positions in Bodø, Norway, and in Poznań, Poland.
He received his PhD degree in geography from the London School of Economics in 1975, after undergraduate study in Geography at the University of Cambridge. He holds a post-doctoral degree (dr habil.) in geography from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (1982). He first visited the Norwegian School of Economics as a student doing fieldwork in 1970, work which continued in his PhD thesis on regional economic development in Norway.
His current research interests are in developing and supporting the development of open source software for analysing spatial data, including spatial econometrics; his software (written with collaborators) has diffused to many organisations, including FAO (statistical yearbook production).
He has been active in the R community since 1997, and is now an auditor of the R Foundation. He is an editor of the Journal of Statistical Software, the R Journal, Journal of Geographical Systems, Geographical Analysis and Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift. He is often invited to teach external PhD courses in applied spatial data analysis.