In the academic year 2018/19, for the second time, students of Spatial Management participated in the simulation game “Smile Urbo”. During the simulation, students play the roles of the representatives of a small, picturesque village. The unit is currently in crisis and investments and local legal resolutions which may improve or deteriorate given socio-economic indicators are the chance to save it. The task for the participants is to make decisions that will ensure that none of the indicators after three rounds of the game is not on the negative level.

The simulation is an exciting play and has lots of educational values as well. The voting and results are presented through the Internet and projector, some participants have access to additional analyses and money through the mobile appliances. In the end, the conclusions from the simulation are discussed in the context of investment planning, local democracy, social participation, sustainable development as well as negotiations and time management.

In the current academic year 2019/2020 also students of the second year of Integrated Development Planning will play “Smile Urbo” during their classes. The animator of the game is Dr Wojciech Dyba.